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Hoteles en Frascati

16 hoteles

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Últimos comentarios de clientes

Aquí encontrarás comentarios reales de clientes sobre los hoteles donde se han alojado en sus viajes ¡inspírate!

Hotel Villa Tuscolana
09/07/2016 - anónimo - Almería

This is an amazing building in a fantastic setting. Truly beautiful . Clean, well maintained for a building of the age and size.

We were told to get out of the pool and not sit around the pool area as there was a special event - which they hold most weekends and also during the week many conferences. When there is an event you feel that you are not supposed to be there and no alternatives are offered. They could have at least offered entre to the spa or complimentary drinks.. or somewhere else to sit out away from the function. .

Hotel Arcadia
17/08/2011 - Nuria - Barcelona

Absolutamente nada.

Hotel Arcadia
29/08/2010 - Alex - Madrid

Situado cerca del aeropuerto de Ciampino.

Cama incomaoda, sólo se sintonizaba un canal en la tele.